You attempted to access a category that has expired and is no longer available.

This form will serve as your intake into the mentorship portion of the SHERF Fellowship. The information you provide will be shared with potential mentors from the three partner organizations as the SHERF team looks for the best match. Please answer the questions in this application with as much detail as you wish, with the understanding that not all criteria will be able to be met.

As a SHERF mentee, you will be required to:

  • Schedule a substantive meeting (virtual or in-person) with your mentor once a quarter;
  • Engage in regular and responsive communication between meetings (approximately 1 hour per month);
  • Fill out quarterly program evaluation forms; and
  • Abide by the program's anti-harassment policy.

We look forward to placing you with a mentor. If you have questions please contact Meaghan Parker,

Outstanding Feature Story, Small
 Entry must be a single environmental interest story not directly tied to a recent news event, with an emphasis on storytelling. Entries must be published between April 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024. Multi-part stories are prohibited.

  • Enter a single story. Related stories or sidebars published or aired the same day through the same media outlet count as one story.
  • A cover letter is mandatory, and may be submitted by the reporter entering the contest or any other individual, and should help judges understand difficulties the reporter faced, impacts of the story or other information that would interest judges.


  • A single Journalism story about an environmental issue published or aired between April 1, 2023, and April 30, 2024, in a media outlet available to the general public.
  • Multi-part stories and series are prohibited. 
  • Print or online entries: News organizations with more than 100 employees (including all who support production, directly or indirectly). If an entry was produced with external resources — contractors, freelancers, etc. — that number must be included when determining size.
  • Recorded story: National networks in the U.S. and elsewhere and top 50 television and top 100 audio markets in the U.S. and in equivalent markets outside the U.S.
  • Your recorded story must be no more than 60 minutes.
  • Small-newsroom entities collaborating with large-newsroom entities qualify as large-newsroom.
  • An online story edited or altered for content after April 30, 2024 isn't eligible.
  • Do not enter a story more than once in this or any other category. Duplicates will be discarded.

See complete rules.


Regular deadline: June 17, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET. 

Late-entry deadline (with additional fee): July 1, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET. 

Outstanding Explanatory Reporting, Small

A story, series or occasional series that illuminates a significant, complex environmental subject, demonstrating mastery of the subject, storytelling and clear presentation, published or aired by a single news organization. Entries must be published between April 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024. Up to five stories are allowed. Related stories and sidebars published the same day count as one story.

  • Related stories and sidebars published or aired the same day count as one story. 
  • A series may begin or end outside the eligibility window.
  • A cover letter is mandatory, and may be submitted by the reporter entering the contest or any other individual, and should help judges understand difficulties the reporter faced, impacts of the story or other information that would interest judges.


  • Journalism published or aired between April 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024, in a media outlet available to the general public.
  • Print or online entries: News organizations with 100 or fewer employees (including all who support production, directly or indirectly). If an entry was produced with external resources — contractors, freelancers, etc. — that number must be included when determining size.
  • Recorded stories: Below top 50 television and top 100 audio markets in the U.S. and in equivalent markets outside the U.S.
  • Run-Time: Total combined run-time must not exceed 60 minutes.
  • Small-newsroom entities collaborating with large-newsroom entities qualify as large-newsroom. 
  • Online stories edited or altered after April 30, 2024 aren't eligible.
  • Do not enter a story more than once in this or any other category. Duplicates will be discarded.
  • Only stories published or aired by the original media outlet are eligible. The form will ask where stories have been republished or re-aired, but only the original stories are eligible to be judged.

See complete rules.

Regular deadline: June 17, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET.
Late-entry deadline (with additional fee): July 1, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET. 

** Please note:  Due to a backlog of mentee requests, there may be a delay in making a match for you. We are working hard to recruit more mentors. Don’t be discouraged — please do apply. Thank you in advance for your patience! If your need for guidance is urgent, we recommend signing up for the SEJ-Talk listserv or joining the members-only Facebook group where you can reach out to other members anytime. **

Thank you for helping to build the future of environmental reporting! We hope that the mentee program helps support you in your endeavors.

This program is flexible and member-driven. If you a paired in a suitable match, we simply ask that you participate for at least one year and communicate with your mentor a minimum of four times. Mentors typically critique stories and offer professional development advice. Mentor/mentee pairs can choose to meet virtually or in person. SEJ also coordinates mentoring events at our annual conference.

Please read the application carefully and answer the questions with as much detail as possible. This helps us to create suitable matches. Also note that you are required to submit three recent writing samples. Preference will be given to samples that have been published. 

After your application has been received, please expect to receive a confirmation email. Once our program coordinators have found a pair, you will be sent another email with information about your potential mentor. Should you approve of the pairing, you will be put in contact with the mentor. Please note that this process can take some time, as our team is committed to facilitating matches that suit all parties.

Any questions about the process can be directed to Our coordinators will gladly assist you.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a mentor! You are helping to build the future of environmental reporting. 

This program is flexible and member-driven. If you a paired in a suitable match, we simply ask that you participate for at least one year and communicate with your mentee a minimum of four times. Mentors typically critique stories and offer professional development advice. Mentor/mentee pairs can choose to meet virtually or in person. Mentor/mentee pairs can choose to meet virtually or in person. SEJ also coordinates mentoring events at our annual conference.

Please read the application carefully and answer the questions with as much detail as possible. This helps us to create suitable matches. 

After your application has been received, please expect to receive a confirmation email. Once our program coordinators have found a pair, you will be approached with their background and interests. Should you approve of the pairing, the match will be sent to the mentee for their approval. Please note that this process can take some time, as our team is committed to facilitating matches that suit all parties.

Any questions about the process can be directed to Our coordinators will gladly assist you. 

Society of Environmental Journalists